A news conference was held today, to update and advise the public on what has been occurring within the Health Sector in Trinidad and Tobago to combat COVID-19, in light of the second case.
Following are the highlights of the conference:
Caura Hospital – has one patient. He is expected to recover and is doing well
Couva hospital – ICU is being used for the second patient. He is seriously ill. It is hoped that he will continue to improve.
Arima Hospital, which was to open next month, will be used if additional beds are needed. From tomorrow, each of our major hospitals will have a major triage area for persons with flu like symptoms.
Please change your current way of greeting people:
- No hugging
- No kissing
They have asked that persons cancel all non-essential travel, including holidays. That includes international travel and travel between Trinidad and Tobago.
They also asked that all travellers please self quarantine for 14 days on your return.
Persons will only be able to visit at public hospitals from 4 pm – 6 pm. The morning visiting hours have been removed. Only one person will be able to visit at at a time. For Pediatric patients only guardians and parents will be allowed to visit. Twenty four hour (24-hr) access is still granted for Pediatric patients.
There is a form in place at all institutions to help identify if persons should be tested.
Symptoms/ Reasons for a person to be tested:
- Cough
- Shortness of Breath
- Fever
- Proximity to someone who has tested positive for COVID
- Travelled recently to a country where there is COVID
- Very ill, so therefore they may need to be tested
The progress of disease is usually mild, however some persons may have complications which can lead to death.
These factors are:
- The elderly
- Immuno-compromised persons such as diabetics (poorly controlled), cancer patients, renal disease, HIV patients.
CAPHRA is doing the testing for Trinidad and Tobago cases. They have enough tests for the territory. Trinidad and Tobago have also reached out to PAHO to get additional tests.
The panel indicated that there has been irresponsible reporting, and people are using this situation for political gain. There are only two official sources; The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Communications.
The panel asked the public “please do not share the irresponsible reporting”.
In January, COVID-19 was added to the quarantine schedule. People can be forcibly quarantined and issued up to a $6000 fine for not adhering to the quarantine rules.